


Plundered treasures must return home

2024-10-21 14:27:36探索
Editor's note: The astonishing theft of around 2,000 artifacts from the British Museum has drawn international attention and sparked outrage. This scandal surrounding the "missing, stolen and damaged" cultural relics has led to strong protests from various countries, demanding the return of their national treasures. While the British Museum proudly displays over 23,000 Chinese artifacts, most of which were obtained through improper channels, even dirty and sinful means, questions loom over their acquisition history and the larger issue of repatriation. Beyond criticisms of its role as a "professional institution" in "safeguarding" cultural heritage, a more pressing question emerges: how many artifacts in Western museums, including the British Museum, do not rightfully belong there? When will these displaced treasures find their way home?
Plundered treasures must return home Graphics: Tang Tengfei, Liu Xidan, Xia Qing/GT

Plundered treasures must return home Graphics: Tang Tengfei, Liu Xidan, Xia Qing/GT


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