


Holiday breaks from school, but don’t play video games

2024-10-21 14:45:26休闲
Illustration: Xia Qing/GT

Illustration: Xia Qing/GT

For many children in China, this past Nation Day holidays had a different meaning. These were the first 7-day-long public holidays under China's new "double reduction" policy that aims to ease the burden of homework and off-campus tutoring on students, as well as new regulation that aims to limit minors' online gaming time. Without pressure from studying, kids now can have more time to get out of the house, travel with their families, and enjoy nature. While this is what many children have done in the past week, some still spent their days on online games. It turns out that there are still some games providing services to minors without limitations. As China is likely to further its regulation in this area, children during future holidays will not only be able to shed their academic pressure, but also be rid of the demons of gaming addiction. This way, they can enjoy their holidays more healthily.

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