


UAE's competencies an essential pillar in developing nuclear energy sector in the country

2024-10-21 14:26:30时尚
The UAE's competencies have been an essential pillar in driving the development of the most advanced energy sector in the UAE, and these competencies continue to progress at a steady pace to enhance the transition to clean energy. This is accomplished by working to continue developing the UAE's peaceful nuclear programme and enhancing the role of the Barakah Nuclear Energy Plant in facing climate challenges.

The national cadres working in the nuclear energy sector in the country are aware of the importance of intensifying efforts in this vital sector to support the UAE's strategic goal to achieve climate neutrality by 2050.

The Emirates Nuclear Energy Corporation and its subsidiaries attach exceptional importance to developing the UAE's cadre in this advanced scientific and technical sector.

Since the start of the Barakah Plant project, about 2,000 citizens have participated in its development, thus contributing to strengthening their presence in the nuclear energy sector locally and globally.

In the context of empowering UAE cadres, the Emirates Nuclear Energy Corporation has launched a number of training programmes and scholarships to develop a new generation of UAE expertise to become the innovators of the future in the clean energy sector.

Many Emirati competencies have undergone highly advanced educational and training programmes that ensure them advanced expertise in operating the Barakah Nuclear Energy Plant in accordance with best practices, and ensuring the production of environmentally friendly electricity, which plays a key role in accelerating the reduction of the carbon footprint of the energy sector and contributing to achieving carbon neutrality by 2050. They were provided with training opportunities in the country and abroad to refine their skills.

The Emirates Nuclear Energy Corporation announced that with the certification of 39 more UAE citizens, the country now has 69 Emirati nuclear operators who are employed as senior reactor operators (SROs) and reactor operators (ROs).

To continue the journey of developing national cadres and preparing the next generation of nuclear experts, a nuclear technology diploma programme was launched this year, which includes a training programme for nuclear technical fields as field reactor operators.

The extended programme aims to provide educational opportunities for high school graduates interested in contributing to the sustainable development of the nuclear energy industry in the UAE.

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