


Lunch safety cannot wait

2024-10-21 13:29:58综合
Illustration: Chen Xia/Global Times

Illustration: Chen Xia/Global Times

Food safety, particularly for children, is a sensitive issue that the Chinese people take seriously. However, a recent scandal at a company in North China's Tianjin that provides boxed lunch for some primary and middle schools caused controversy due to the company's bad hygiene and the food quality. To make matters worse, some of the company's employees were temporarily hired and didn't have obligated health certificates. Food residue was seen on the floor of the company's kitchen, according to media reports. A father of a student in Tianjin went viral online after criticizing authorities from his son's school. The school had phoned many parents to try to pressure them into silence on the case. Although the company was fined 1 million yuan ($158,200), the Chinese society is not satisfied. People are calling for more administrative supervision of similar companies that make boxed lunch for schools. Parents have also said that schools should assume their responsibility as it's where children must be well protected.

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