


State Grid company in C. China’s Henan optimizes services to support development of silver industry

2024-10-21 12:00:32知识
State Grid Jiyuan Power Supply Company

State Grid Jiyuan Power Supply Company

The formed silver is processed into exquisite works of art on Tuesday in the standardized factory of Shanli Jewelry Supply Chain Co Ltd in the China Silver City Jewelry Manufacturing and Processing Park in Jiyuan city, Central China's Henan Province.

"Silver jewelry processing has a high demand for electricity, and every link and process cannot do without electricity. Over the years, electricity has been stable, and we thank you for providing us with regular services," said Song Aimin, the general manager of the company, to Liu Botao and Du Jun, employees of the Jiyuan Power Supply Company who came to inspect the operation of the distribution facilities.

Jiyuan city has a long history of silver production and is now the largest silver production base in the country, with an annual output of over 5,100 tons of silver, accounting for nearly 20 percent of the total silver production in the country. Its products are exported to Europe, the US, South Korea, and other countries.

For a long time, Jiyuan's silver products were mainly silver ingots with low economic added value. To expand the silver industry chain and promote industrial transformation and upgrading, the Jiyuan Municipal Government launched the China Silver City construction project in 2018, creating five parks for raw material smelting, silver ingot deep processing, jewelry manufacturing and processing, comprehensive service experience, and exhibition and sales, attracting silver product processing and sales enterprises to settle in.

"It is very convenient to obtain raw materials on site, and with the services provided by enterprises such as power and water supply, we are very confident in our production and operation," said Song Aimin.

Shanli Jewelry Company is mainly engaged in the production of jewelry, popular accessories, etc. In May 2021, it settled in the China Silver City Jewelry Manufacturing and Processing Park. After learning about the situation, the Jiyuan Power Supply Company optimized its services, refined measures, and innovatively established a "special team + specialist" power supply guarantee mechanism. In just five working days, the company completed the temporary power supply and connection work.

The "special team + specialist" power supply guarantee mechanism is an innovative service model launched by the Jiyuan Power Supply Company. The company has established a "special team" consisting of customer managers, supporting engineering project managers, and operation and maintenance personnel to provide power services for enterprises. 

The Jiyuan Power Supply Company adheres to the "one enterprise, one specialized team" service model, refines the "one enterprise, one policy" service measures, and realizes the "one survey, one determination, and one delivery" of power supply plans, supporting engineering design plans, fire connection methods, and power transmission services. During this period, the customer managers in the "special team" took the initiative to collect electricity handling materials and provide technical guidance for customers' power receiving projects; The project manager of the supporting engineering organized the construction according to the design plan and completed the expansion supporting engineering before the completion of the customer's power supply project; Operation and maintenance personnel eliminated hidden dangers related to power facilities and carried out fire and power transmission. At present, the company has provided electricity services to 22 enterprises that have settled in China's Silver City.

"Jiyuan has a good business environment and good service guarantee, which has provided us with convenience in expanding production capacity and rushing orders," said Song Aimin.

"The power supply company not only provides sufficient electricity but also provides excellent services," said Wang Tao, the person in charge of Jiyuan Wanyang Gold and Silver Products Co., Ltd.

The construction of China's Silver City has promoted the development of more than 50 upstream silver processing enterprises, provided high-quality raw materials for downstream industries, and promoted the extension of the industrial chain. Currently, nearly 30 companies have settled in China's Silver City. The Jiyuan Power Supply Company has integrated industrial development with the construction of supporting power grids. Since 2018, a number of transmission and transformation projects such as 220 kV Xuncheng and 110 kV Tangdi have been completed and put into operation. At present, there are 11 substations supplying power to upstream and downstream enterprises in the silver industry.

In 2023, the total increment of foreign trade import and export value in Jiyuan city ranked first in Henan Province, with precious metals mainly composed of silver products accounting for 88.2 percent of the total foreign trade import and export value. In the first half of this year, the total import and export value of Jiyuan city reached 22.05 billion yuan ($3.04 billion), an increase of 15.2 percent compared to the same period last year, with a growth rate 29 percentage points higher than the provincial average growth rate. 

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