


Senior citizen dating show goes viral for its directness and openness

2024-10-21 13:41:15焦点
A senior citizen dating show named <em>Serendipity Will Not Come Too Late</em>has gone viral for the direct and straightforward words and deeds of the guests who come to have a blind date in this <strong></strong>variety show. Photo: Official account of <em>Serendipity Will Not Come Too Late</em>

A senior citizen dating show named Serendipity Will Not Come Too Latehas gone viral for the direct and straightforward words and deeds of the guests who come to have a blind date in this variety show. Photo: Official account of Serendipity Will Not Come Too Late


A senior citizen dating show named Serendipity Will Not Come Too Latehas gone viral for the direct and straightforward words and deeds of the guests who come to have a blind date in this variety show.

Unlike young people who brag and boast themselves in dating shows, the senior guests in Serendipity Will Not Come Too Lateare more frank, straightforward and even offensive in expressing their feelings - Some directly turn down their dating mate for unqualified appearance and education, while others debate with each other for their opposing opinions on marriage.

"Such an unusual dating show attracts our attention because it attaches attentions to the spiritual need of senior people which is usually neglected by the public," one netizen wrote on China's Twitter-like platform Sina Weibo.

Global Times

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