


China’s Yutu II spots ‘mystery hut’ on far side of the moon

2024-10-21 11:52:34娱乐
The<strong></strong> photo taken by Yutu II shows the mystery cabin on far side of the moon. Photo: Our Space

The photo taken by Yutu II shows the "mystery cabin" on far side of the moon. Photo: Our Space

China's Yutu IIYutu-2 moon rover has recently spotted a mysterious cube-shaped object on the moon. Photos it sent back to Earth show that the object looks like a little hut and is located on the horizon on the dark side of the moon.

The rover spotted the object on the horizon to the north and roughly 80 meters away during the mission's 36th lunar day, according to a Yutu II diary published by Our Space, a science outreach channel affiliated with the China National Space Administration (CNSA). It has been referred to as a "mystery hut," but space enthusiasts note that it is just a placeholder name rather than an accurate description. 

After telling scientists on Earth about the discovery, Yutu II is already on its way there to find out what the "hut" really is. It is expected to reach its destination after two to three lunar days.

The discovery has aroused the interest of netizens on China's Twitter-like platform Sina Weibo, with many saying it reminded them of the palace located on the moon in ancient Chinese mythology -- the Guang Han Palace.

Global Times

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