


'Blind box dating' a new hit among singles

2024-10-21 14:23:01探索
Shops in Chengdu,<strong></strong> Southwest China's Sichuan Province, have invented a new way of finding one's

Shops in Chengdu, Southwest China's Sichuan Province, have invented a new way of finding one's "soul mate" by opening blind boxes - plastic bottles containing love-seekers' personal information. Photo: screenshot of video posted by The Paper

Recently in Chengdu, Southwest China's Sichuan Province, shops with the theme of "stop being single" have gained popularity among young people, as the shops have invented a new way of finding one's "soul mate" by opening blind boxes - plastic bottles containing love-seekers' personal information. However, the novel idea drew controversy online and lawyers have warned of possible data breach if improperly used by offenders.

Customers only need to pay 30 yuan ($4.7) to put their information into a bottle and meanwhile gaining access to another person's bottle without knowing who the person is like.

If customers are worried about the quality of the "blind boxes," they can also pay higher prices of up to 1,299 yuan to get one with "higher quality" to increase the possibility of "finding the right one."

However, the novelty has not been favored by everyone. Some questioned if it is a way of selling people as goods, which lacks respect for others. Lawyers also reminded people to pay attention to the protection of personal information, especially among minors.

Global Times

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