


Heartfelt eggs warm COVID workers in winter

2024-10-21 11:55:59时尚

Illustration: Xia Qing/GT

On Monday, a resident in Northeast China's Heilongjiang Province gave a basket of eggs to a COVID-19 epidemic prevention station at the gate of her condominium. On every eggshell, the resident wrote warm-hearted words such as "thank you for your hard work," "please protect yourself well," and "remember to take care of yourself." The epidemic prevention worker on duty thought the resident was coming to register her leave, but was soon surprised and touched by the words on the gift eggs. Heilongjiang reported 43 new local cases of COVID-19 on Wednesday, and hundreds of anti-epidemic personnel are working hard to control the spread, with an average temperature of -23.5 C across the province. "These eggs have warmed all of us," one netizen commented. Though dozens of new local cases were registered in the past few days, China has taken immediate measures to prevent the virus from triggering new large-scale outbreaks. This contrasts with many Western countries that are still suffering. Why is this? The reasons are simple: Chinese medical workers are selfless and all Chinese people are united as one in this fight.

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