


Residential area under COVID

2024-10-21 13:40:57娱乐
Medical workers in white protective suits waved colorful glow sticks and wore rabbit ear ornaments as the area under COVID-19 lockdown held open-air dance party. Photo: screenshot on Sina Weibo.

Medical workers in white protective suits waved colorful glow sticks and wore rabbit ear ornaments as the area under COVID-19 lockdown held open-air dance party. Photo: screenshot on Sina Weibo.

An open-air dance party was held recently at a residential area which is under lockdown to prevent COVID-19 resurgence in Chengdu, capital city of Southwest China's Sichuan Province, as people in white protective suits were seen dancing excitedly to the rhythms. 

In the video posted online, volunteers in white protective suits waved colorful glow sticks in the air and wore rabbit ear ornaments on their heads. They sang songs along with the residents and performed disco dancing.

"The concert lasted for over an hour. The property management company prepared mobile head lights and audio equipment on the spot and set the lightening layout of 'Chengdu, Cheers!' on the ground," a resident surnamed Zhuo told media. 

"It helps a lot to release the anxiety brought by the epidemic. Although we are stuck at home, we can still have fun," said Zhuo.

Similarly, over 200 students in Dalian University of Technology, which is also in lockdown due to recent cluster infections in Northeast China's Liaoning Province, are organizing dance parties on the campus every night. 

Global Times

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