


Videos showing ‘exquisite women enjoying high

2024-10-21 13:28:46知识
Screenshot from media reports

Screenshot from media reports

A recent trend of exquisite women dedicated to fully enjoy their experience on high-speed trains has gone viral, with related vlogs flooding Chinese social media platforms and sparking heated discussions.

During the journey, the blogger completes various tasks such as disinfection, humidification, and mite elimination. Additionally, they engage in activities like flower arrangement, brewing tea, and cooking instant noodles along the way. Unlike typical chaotic travel scenarios, the women in the videos used their carefully selected items to enhance both comfort and happiness during their train journeys. 

Many netizens have shared their thoughts, noting that while the trips may be brief, the tasks undertaken are substantial, with many adding that they were impressed with the girls’ execution. However, there are individuals who have raised doubts regarding the necessity of emphasizing these intricate details during travel experiences.

Global Times

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