Down jackets heat up winter talk

Down jackets  Illustration: Xia Qing/GT

Down jackets Illustration: Xia Qing/GT

"Will you buy down jackets this Double 11 shopping carnival?" That's right, it's that time of year when winter's frosty grip gets people heatedly talking about down jackets and their prices. In recent years, netizens have noted that down jackets are becoming more and more expensive. Prices for domestic ones were only a few hundred yuan, but now they have skyrocketed to over 10,000 yuan ($1,564). Some experts analyze that this happened after international high-end down wear brands entered the Chinese market and activated the domestic down wear market to compete. While international brands are gradually losing their appeal, domestic down jackets have become the first choice of most young people and even overseas consumers. Some brands do have become more expensive, but consumers also have more choices. Think about it: Isn't the hot debate about the price of homemade down jackets a reflection that China is spending big on its own kind instead of international labels? It shows a new syndrome of national purchasing pride.