


Life stories of Qing princesses come to Taipei Palace Museum

2024-10-21 13:38:25知识
The<strong></strong> Taipei Palace Museum Photo: VCG

The Taipei Palace Museum Photo: VCG

Based on the voluminous imperial archives in its collection, a new exhibition shedding light on the lives of princesses in the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911) opened at the Taipei Palace ­Museum, the island of Taiwan on Saturday. 

The exhibition consists of five sections: The Emperor's Daughters, Royal Treasures Unveiled, The Marriage Mission, Fleeting Royalty, and In Closing: Princess Reflections. These detail the life journeys of Qing princesses from birth and marriage to their funerals. The exhibition is set to run until December 1.

"History is full of 'unheard voices.' Individuals who, though scarcely mentioned in official records, lived rich lives and shaped their times in unique ways," noted Su Feng-nan, curator of the exhibition. "Women are among those people whose stories often went untold in the male-dominated societies of the past."

Drawing primarily on the museum's collection of Qing imperial archives, the exhibition explores the status, relationships and life stories of these imperial women, examining their roles and significance within the political landscape of the Qing Empire, said the curator.

Some documents are being exhibited for the first time, such as "The List of Dowries for the Marriage of Gulun Princess," which records more than 300 articles ranging from jewelry to toothbrushes. Some historical facts are revealed as well, such as the fact that the average life-span of a Qing princesses was 26 years.

"When I was younger, I thought princesses lived carefree lives. Today, I see a more nuanced and complex picture of their existence, and it leaves me with deeper feelings," said a visitor from Taipei surnamed Lin, according to the Xinhua News Agency. 

In preparing for the exhibition, the museum collaborated with several schools in Taiwan to gather insights from younger generations about their perceptions of princesses. 

"I hope the exhibition not only presents a diverse and compelling portrayal of history, but also encourages visitors to reflect on contemporary life and societal issues," Su said.

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