


DPP's attempt to misinterpret UN Resolution 2758 'is playing with fire'

2024-10-21 15:30:00探索
Taiwan Photo: Unsplash

Taiwan Photo: Unsplash

As the 79th session of the UN General Assembly (UNGA 79) is set to open on September 10, the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) authorities from the island of Taiwan again intends to misinterpret the UN Resolution 2758 and challenge the one-China principle in an attempt to push for the island's illegal inclusion at the UN.

This, condemned by Chinese analysts, is an act to play with fire and go against the trend of history.

Speaking during a press event, Taiwan regional official Tien Chung-kwang said Taiwan will again invite "allies" to speak up for the island during the upcoming UN General Debate in pushing for its inclusion at the UN, local media reported on Tuesday.

According to the news report, the island will also seek to deliberately distort the interpretation of Resolution 2758 at the UN.

Resolution 2758, adopted at the 26th Session of the UN General Assembly in 1971, stated in black and white that it "decides to restore all its rights to the People's Republic of China and to recognize the representatives of its Government as the only legitimate representatives of China to the United Nations, and to expel forthwith the representatives of Chiang Kai-shek from the place which they unlawfully occupy at the United Nations and in all the organizations related to it."

The resolution made it clear that the government of the People's Republic of China is the sole legal government representing the whole of China, including Taiwan, at the UN; Taiwan is not a country but a part of China's territory. It makes clear Taiwan's status as a non-sovereign entity.

Despite the clear statement of the resolution, the DPP authorities led by Lai Ching-te, which want to misinterpret the resolution, is apparently trying in vain to root out the international consensus of one-China principle, Chinese analysts pointed out.

"Lai's idea is extremely destructive," Li Haidong, a professor at the China Foreign Affairs University, told the Global Times on Wednesday. 

Li continued, on the one hand, Lai's attempts are undermining the authority of the UN and the authority of the resolution; on the other hand, Lai is a gambler who tries to risk the safety of the island of Taiwan.

"This is of course an act to subvert the international order, undermine world stability and go against the trend of history," Li stated.

Recently, the US has repeatedly distorted the Resolution 2758.  

For example, in May at a seminar held by a US think tank Mark Lambert, US Deputy Assistant Secretary of State in the Bureau of East Asian and Pacific Affairs and China Coordinator said that Resolution 2758 does not endorse, equate to, or reflect an international consensus on the one-China principle and has absolutely no bearing on countries' sovereignty choices with respect to their relationships with the Taiwan region. 

In response, Lin Jian, spokesperson from China's Ministry of Foreign Affairs, said that "Mark Lambert's remarks are a total distortion of the resolution and facts. They misrepresent the history, and tread upon the international law and basic norms of international relations."

The intention of the US side is very clear - it is to tamper with the core spirit of Resolution 2758, and to achieve the plot of damaging the development environment of China by manipulating the Taiwan question, according to Li.

China has repeatedly stated that it firmly opposes any action that undermines this spirit within the UN system and the international community. 

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